Children’s and Youth Ministries
At Georgetown First, we care deeply about the spiritual education and training of our children. At each child dedication or baptism, members of the church professes personal responsibility to help bring children up in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.
All staff and volunteers working with children are required to complete Safe Sanctuaries training. Also, as an added security measure we utilize the KidCheck system.
Below are just a few of the offerings we have for children before they reach the 6th grade:
- Nursery Care - We offer childcare for children 3 and under during Sunday School and the 10:55am Sunday Worship Service
- Kid’s Own Worship - Children ages 3 through 5th grade are able to attend worship personalized for their level of understanding.
- Sunday School Classes - Classes meet Sunday mornings from 9:45 to 10:45am. For information about current classes, please see Sunday School Current Offerings
- Kid’s Club
- Children’s Choir
- Vacation Bible School
We have a dynamic and energetic youth group for students in grades 6-12. It gathers every week for fun, fellowship, and food. The highlights of the youth group offerings include:
- Sunday Fellowship - After Sunday dinner at 6pm, the evening consists of games, worship, teaching, and prayer in the Fellowship Hall/Gym/Youth Loft.
- Wednesday Night Fellowship- The Growth Group meets in the Youth Loft @ 6:30pm.
- Youth Group Praise Band- The praise band meets on Sundays from 5pm-6pm in the sanctuary.
- For more information on the youth group, contact:
- Facebook Group: FUMC Georgetown Youth!
- Instagram: @gfumcstudents
- Trista James: Youth Minister