Georgetown First Re-opening May 16, 2021
We offer in-person worship on Sunday with 3 services: Sanctuary at 8:30am and both Sanctuary & Family-Friendly services at 11:00am. Each service is approximately 45-60 minutes long.
The 11am Sanctuary service will be live-streamed on Facebook and uploaded to YouTube for those not able to attend. The Family-Friendly 11:00 service is an inter-generational, family-friendly service.
We offer Sunday school for both adults and children at 9:45am.
We follow these COVID-19 guidelines, effective May 16, 2021.
Church Office
The office is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:00am-noon and 1pm-4:00pm. If you are not vaccinated, please wear a mask when coming to the office and social distance 6 feet to help protect our staff.
Instructions for On-Line Worship
We will broadcast live on Facebook at 11am. A recording of this service will be posted on YouTube by 1:00pm.
You may access our online worship services at this address: or from our YouTube channel after 1:00pm Sunday at: