New Family-Friendly 11am Worship Service Starts October 18th

For the last few months, our staff has been wrestling with how we can best minister to families during this pandemic. Because we have not been able to have children’s activities at church, it has made it extremely difficult for families to come back to church in person.

The concept of a worship service that is intentionally family-friendly is new, innovative, exciting, and a bit scary. We are fully aware that transitioning one of our worship services is a difficult thing, and will have impacts on other ministries. The more we worked on this idea, to the point that it became a proposal to the administrative council, the more we believed it was God’s answer to our question of “How can we minister to families in the midst of this pandemic?”

After hearing the proposal for what the service would look like, the Administrative Council unanimously voted to support transitioning our 11:00 service to become a family-friendly service. The 8:30 and 9:45 services will remain in the sanctuary unchanged. The video linked above should provide a picture of what this service will look like, and the safety precautions we are taking to make it a safe option for families.

On October 18, we will begin live streaming our 9:45 service instead of our 11:00 service. The 9:45 service will also be recorded and posted to YouTube with a link being emailed out via CareMail. If you don’t yet receive CareMail, but would like to, please contact the church office.

Learn more about the Family Friendly service at this link.