New E-Growth Group starting July 29!

Pastor Jeremy will begin a new Growth Group meeting through Zoom on July 29. The group will be discuss “The Cross and the Lynching Tree” by James H. Cone. We are aware that conversations about racism are sensitive and uncomfortable for some, but just because something is uncomfortable does not mean it should be avoided. The author states “I offer my reflections because I believe that the cross placed alongside the lynching tree can help us to see Jesus in America in a new light, and thereby empower people who claim to follow him to take a stand against white supremacy and every kind of injustice.” As a congregation that is overwhelmingly made up of white people, we feel it is important for us to acknowledge the voices of suffering from our black sisters and brothers. We hope by examining the cross alongside the lynching tree we as a group will gain a deeper understanding of the lasting pain slavery and lynching has caused in our country as well as a deeper understanding of the cross of Jesus. For information on how to join the group email Pastor Jeremy