Communion on Sunday June 7, 2020

This coming Sunday, June 3, 2020 we will share in the Lord’s Supper together for the first time in 3months. Many of us have been hungry for the bread and the cup and the grace God gives us in this holy sacrament. Because of the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, the way we receive the elements will be very different. As you enter the narthex before the service, you will stop and pick a sealed cup of juice and unleavened wafer from one of the silver trays. Look for Marcus Price, who will be stationed at the table. If you need a gluten free wafer, please take one of the small sealed pouches labeled gluten free. 

Please hold on to the cup until it’s time for us to partake together during the service. As you exit the sanctuary, please dispose of your used cup in one of the trash cans. 

We continue to receive offerings for the Community Care Fund. These gifts can be offered online at our website or put in one of the three new offering boxes mounted in the foyer, narthex and outside the business office in the west hallway.