No in-person services Sunday March 15, 2020
From Pastor Greg Gallaher :
I have cancelled both services for this coming Sunday. We’ll make a decision regarding future Sundays on a week-by-week basis.
It pains me to take this action regarding Sunday morning, but I heard something this evening that really spoke to me. “Leadership involves acknowledging what you don’t know in a time of crisis and not putting others at risk unnecessarily.” I knew immediately what we needed to do.
➡ The preschool and kindergarten will follow Scott County’s lead and will also be closing beginning Monday.
➡ Wednesday night fellowship meals and Growth Groups have been suspended until after Easter.
I know not everyone will agree with these decisions, and that’s okay. However, we are in unknown territory with this epidemic—now a global pandemic as President Trump acknowledged last night in his address to the nation. Medical professionals and governments leaders alike are urging all public gatherings be cancelled in order to avoid what is happening in other parts of the world. This seems wise to me.
I’ve yet to meet a single, hysterical person, but I have listened to a lot of informed people who understand the way epidemics and pandemics evolve. Among these individuals is my own son, who is Trauma and Critical Care Surgeon with a Master’s Degree in Public Health at a large university hospital. These medical professionals are rightfully concerned about the impact a widespread outbreak will have on our healthcare system, which is simply not equipped to deal with large numbers of critically ill persons. Cancelling public gatherings, quarantines and social distancing WORK. They slow down the rapid spread of infectious diseases. My prayer is that a coordinated public response (which seems to be emerging all over our nation) will spare many from serious illness or even death.
If you have need for assistance during this time, please call me or Pastor Jeremy and let us know. We will do our best to get help to you.
The office WILL be open next week, but we may abbreviate our hours. I encourage you NOT to stop by unless you have an important need.
God is with us. God is for us.
Pastor Greg Gallaher